Getting access to Couples Therapy for Depression

17th January 2016

Getting access to Couples Therapy for Depression

What is Couple Therapy for Depression?


Couple Therapy for Depression is a type of talking therapy that can help people with both relationship and mental health difficulties that sometimes arise when there are problems between partners. People who are depressed sometimes find that their relationships suffer, and equally problems with relationships can sometimes lead to one or other partner becoming depressed or anxious.

How effective is Couple Therapy for Depression?

Recent government figures show that Couple Therapy for Depression, which focuses on couple relationships to help treat depression, has significantly higher recovery rates than the most common talking therapy, CBT.

It has proven an effective treatment and this has been recommended by NICE (The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence). Recent statistics have shown that Couple Therapy for Depression has a 52% recovery rate. This is more effective than the most common talking therapy – CBT, which has a 44% recovery rate.

How can I get this treatment?

If you feel relationship issues may be contributing to your depression talk to your GP about whether Couple Therapy for Depression could be a suitable treatment . If you're not sure about how to ask your GP for a different type of talking treatment the Mental Health Foundation has produced a guide to talking to your GP about mental health difficulties with tips on discussing a range of treatment options.

Couple Therapy for Depression is not available in all areas, but we're campaigning to improve access to this treatment. You can find out if Couples Therapy for Depression is available in your area by contacting your local Improving Acess to Psychological Therapies service (IAPT), go to the NHS Choices website to find your nearest IAPT. If Couples Therapy for Depression is available in your area, you can self-refer through IAPT.



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