Spring Clean !

16th April 2014

Spring Clean !

Something strange happens to me each year when the clocks change and the sun comes out. I get an overwhelming urge to start emptying my wardrobe of all the clothes ‘I never wear’ and start flinging them with wild abandon into bags destined for the local charity shop.

My partner looks on with a mixture of fear and confusion as I slowly bury our bed under a mountain of random things hauled out of cupboards. This activity is punctuated by me regularly waving some object in front of him and saying ‘But you never wear this!’ or ‘What exactly is this?’ which usually ends in a silent standoff over what does and doesn’t make the cut.

As odd as it sounds, there’s something about this spring cleaning ritual that makes me feel pretty cheerful. It got me thinking that if it feels that good to have a proper sort out in our houses why don’t we do the same for our relationships?

There are probably a few things we‘d like to change about our relationships with partners, family or friends but we tend to push these to the back of the cupboard and forget about them. Relationships of all kinds fare better when they’re frequently rejuvenated, so I asked our Counsellors for their tips for ‘spring cleaning’ your relationships:

  • Couples: Make a list each of three things you love about your relationship and one thing you’d like to change, and then swap. Doing it this way keeps things positive, but gives you both a chance to improve on something.
  • Families: Do something new. Families often get stuck in the same routines, like always meeting up for Sunday lunch. Plan something new and see how it can change the dynamic – arrange a day at the seaside, or play some games in the park.
  • Friends: Make an effort to show your appreciation for a friend. You could take someone out for lunch to say thank you for their friendship, or even just a card in the post or a text message can make a real difference.

If you have any other ideas on how to refresh your relationships, we'd love to hear them.

Happy spring cleaning!



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