How To Do Relationships: A step-by-step guide to nurturing your relationship and making love last by Anjula Mutanda / Relate 4th July 2013
The course of true love isn't always smooth, but rocky relationships needn't be a recurring pattern. Part of the bestselling Relate series, this guide will help you learn what makes relationships work, where they can falter, and how you can maintain a lasting, meaningful and loving connection.
- Discover how your personalities and past experiences affect you both
- Break negative patterns to build a happier foundation
- Navigate relationship choices, such as moving in together, marriage and starting a family
- Overcome any relationship obstacle with problem-solving techniques
With guidance and support on every aspect of loving relationships, from the moment you meet 'the one' to growing old together, this positive and accessible book is the ultimate relationship guide.
Moving on: Breaking Up without Breaking Down (Relate Relationships) by Suzie Hayman. 30 April 2014
One in three marriages ends in divorce. Cohabitation, marriage, divorce and re-marriage are becoming a normal part of the pattern of everyday life. However, the effects of such a pattern on the adults and children involved can be extremely detrimental if handled badly.
In Moving On, Suzie Hayman draws on her many years experience as a Relate counsellor and agony aunt and provides information, advice and practical strategies to help you cope, as positively as possible, with the stress of breaking up with your partner.
You will learn how to manage negative feelings, help your children through the difficult process, communicate with your partner and children throughout, cope with shared parenting responsibilities and sort out financial issues.
Sympathetic, sound and full of positive, practical advice, this is an invaluable guide for all those facing the breakdown of their relationship
Relate Guide To Loving In Later Life: How to Renew Intimacy and Have Fun in the Prime of Life by Marj Thoburn.29thSeptember 2014.
Is sex wasted on the young? Marj Thoburn thinks it might be. This complete guide to sex, loving and relationships for the 50s-80s age group is a positive, constructive and celebratory guide which suggests that life - and loving sex - begin at 50+. Inside every older person is a young person trying to come to terms with ageing. This books looks at the physical and psychological changes that may present challenges to older couples and provides practical exercises and strategies for coping, and learning, together.
For example:
- How do you maintain your self-esteem when your body stops responding the way it used to?
- What can you do if your partner seems more attracted to people who are younger than you?
- How do you begin a new relationship if you find yourself divorced, separated, widowed or single in older life?
- How do you begin to get to know each other again once the children have left home?
Written with understanding and humour, and drawing on a wide range of case studies, this invaluable book will offer a wealth of advice for those who want to keep improving the quality of their relationship - whatever their age.
This book is only available to buy as an Kindle ebook
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The Mature Guide to Relationships, Love and Sex
Barbara Bloomfield, Jane Silk
6 February 2014
This guide aims to help nurture and develop existing relationships or help find new ones, revealing ways to make improvements in marriage, or help singletons plan a future relationship. It also gives practical, down to earth and humorous advice about sex, love and those “bumpy bits” of relationships.
The Guide is published by Mature Times the UK's largest independent newspaper for the over 50s and is supported by Relate.
Buy the guide
You can order your copy of the guide by sending a cheque for £9.95 payable to Mature Times, to Mature Times Guides, Highwood House, Winters Lane, Redhill, Bristol, BS40 5SH.
If you would prefer to pay by debit or credit card please call 01934 864410 during office hours and Mature Times will take your payment.
How To Do Relationships: A step-by-step guide to nurturing your relationship and making love last by Anjula Mutanda / Relate 4th July 2013
Relate: A Guide to Marriage and Relationship Repair by Christa M Hardin M.A. 18th December 2013
Moving on: Breaking Up without Breaking Down (Relate Relationships) by Suzie Hayman. 30 April 2014
Relate Guide To Loving In Later Life: How to Renew Intimacy and Have Fun in the Prime of Life by Marj Thoburn. 29th September 2014.