Young people


Relate Medway & North Kent  children and young person's counselling service is for any young person, aged 11 to 18yrs, who is having problems at home, with their family or at school. Our counsellors are able to help young people to talk about the things that are worrying them and time and time again young people tell us that seeing a counsellor helps because they are 'outside' their situation and they can really confide in them.

Our counsellors can help them to talk honestly and openly and can support them with problems such as family breakdown, bereavement, moving in with a second family or bullying at school. Everything they say is confidential and our counsellors do not tell anyone outside Relate Medway and North Kent anything, unless the young person asks us to or unless the counsellor is worried about their or someone elses safety. Before doing this, we would always try to discuss this with the young person first.

The opportunity to talk with a trusted, professional counsellor has a positive impact on many areas of young people's lives. It can help increase their self-esteem and confidence, enable them to communicate better with their peers, teachers and families and increase their ability to focus and engage in learning. This ensures that thay are better equipped to achieve, enjoy life, make a positive contribution and in the longer term achieve economic well being.

Relate Medway & North Kent treats child protection and the safeguarding of children with the utmost priority. Relate has been working closely with the NSPCC to ensure that our policy and procedures are robust and relevant to our work. All our counsellors and staff are CRB checked.

We recognise that some of our young clients may be affected by issues such as Domestic Violence and Abuse, as well as physical, emotional and sexual abuse or neglect. Relate makes sure that all practioners are able to sensitively approach such cases and are supported to deal with cases appropriately.

We prefer it if an adult is aware that the young person is coming to counselling. However, if they don't want anyone to know, that's ok, they can just let us know when the appointment is arranged and their counsellor will discuss it with them.



Contact Relate Medway & North Kent

01634 380038
Second Floor Kingsley House
37-39 Balmoral Road
Kent, ME7 4PF
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